Uveal Melanoma Survival Prediction






A. C. Rola, A. Taktak, A. Eleuteri, H. Kalirai, et al. Multicenter External Validation of the Liverpool Uveal Melanoma Prognosticator Online: An OOG Collaborative Study, Cancers, ePub ahead of print

A. Eleuteri, A. F. G. Taktak, S. E. Coupland, H. Heimann, H. Kalirai, B. Damato. Prognostication of metastatic death in uveal melanoma patients: A Markov multi-state model.Computers in Biology and Medicine, 102, pp 151-156 (2018).

A. Eleuteri, B.E. Damato, S.E. Coupland and A.F.G. Taktak. Enhancing survival prognostication in patients with choroidal melanoma by integrating pathologic, clinical and genetic predictors of metastasis. Int J Biomed Eng & Tech, 8, 1, pp 18-35 (2012).

B.E. Damato, A. Eleuteri, A.F.G. Taktak and S.E. Coupland. Estimating prognosis for survival after treatment of choroidal melanoma. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research, 30,5, 285-295 (2011).

A. Taktak, L. Antolini, M. Aung, P. Boracchi, I. Campbell, B. Damato, E. Ifeachor, N. Lama, P. Lisboa, C. Setzkorn, V. Stalbovskaya, E. Biganzoli. Double-blind evaluation and benchmarking of survival models in a multi-centre study. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 37, pp 1108-1120 (2007)



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